Frequently Asked Questions


To initiate a refund, please notify us via email at [email protected] or call us at +306948187610 within 14 days of placing your order or within 5 days of receiving it. Follow the provided return procedure, including a note with your name, IBAN, and bank details inside the return package.

Yes, there is a return shipping charge of €4 (€8 if the original order had free shipping over €30 pre-discount). This charge covers the expenses related to shipping to and from the customer. The refund amount will be processed promptly through bank transfer.

Once we receive the returned product and confirm its original condition, the refund will be processed immediately through a bank transfer. Please ensure you provide accurate IBAN and bank details in the note inside the return package for a smooth refund process.


Delivery times may vary, but we strive to dispatch orders promptly. Once shipped, the estimated delivery time is typically within a few days. You will receive a confirmation email with tracking information to monitor your order’s progress.

Once your order is dispatched, a confirmation email with tracking details will be sent. You can use this information to track your delivery through the courier’s website. If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or call us at +306948187610.

If you’re unavailable during the delivery, the courier will make additional attempts or leave a notice for pick-up. In case of refusal, delay, or unsuccessful delivery, there may be an €8 charge to cover return and reshipping costs. Ensure someone is available or follow the provided instructions to avoid any complications.

About Axileio and Mairyk

Axileio is a local store based in Ierapetra, Crete, known for offering a variety of high-quality products and services. Mairyk is our own brand, created under the umbrella of Axileio. While Axileio serves as our physical storefront where customers can experience our products firsthand, Mairyk represents a line of products that are designed, curated, and sold exclusively through Axileio. By creating Mairyk, we aim to offer unique, high-quality items that reflect the values and aesthetics of our local community.

Currently, Mairyk products are exclusive to our Axileio store in Ierapetra, Crete. This allows us to maintain a high level of quality and ensure that each customer receives personal attention when selecting our products. However, we are exploring options for making Mairyk products available online and possibly in select retail partners in the future. Stay tuned for updates!

To learn more about our Mairyk products, we welcome you to visit the Axileio store in Ierapetra, Crete, where our knowledgeable staff can introduce you to the full range of products and answer any questions you may have. Additionally, you can subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to stay updated on new product releases, special events, and more information about Mairyk.


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